Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Wedding Day

On Sunday, April 5, 2009, we were happily remarried!  Surrounded by John's wonderful family, and by mine in spirit, our ceremony was held at United Methodist Church of Camarillo.

It was an incredibly beautiful warm day, and the Friendship Garden was a lovely setting.  It was even more special as we were the first couple to be married in the Garden of the church where we were first married 31 years earlier.

We were so happy to have John's sister Pam, and John's son Cameron stand up for us as they have been unconditionally supportive of our coming back together.  Dr Jim Decker-Mahin performed a perfect, in his words, renewal ceremony.  He captured our feelings about each other so well.  It was romantic, spiritual, sweet, funny, and perfect.

I was glad to have my sweetest friend Ellen Winters in attendance, she is so special to both John and me.  An added note to the day?  High school pals Ellen and Pam were able to see each other after 26 years.

Also in attendance was Martha and Roger, Tad, Mary Ellen, Abigail and Erik.  Good friends and neighbors Pam and Trevor took all the great pictures.

We felt the presence of family that were not with us physically that day.  I especially felt Maureen standing next to me....she was instrumental in reconnecting John and me, for which I am eternally grateful.   Our entire family has been so incredibly supportive of us...thank you.

Following the ceremony, Pam hosted a wonderful reception at her home where we cut  a yummy chocolate and fresh strawberry filled cake while enjoying the closeness and precious nature of the day.

We ended the afternoon at sunset, heading up the 101 to Santa Barbara for our Honeymoon.....

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