Friday, December 5, 2008

We Had a Thanksgiving Dinner That Couldn't Be Beat

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without family, good food, and Officer Obie
Well, two out of three ain't bad! John didn't regale us with his rendition of Alice's Restaurant this year, so we've included it on our playlist. But, we were blessed with the other requirements!

We enjoyed a wonderful holiday when John's parents Martha and Roger came out on Wednesday in rainy conditions. It was their first visit to our home and we were quite moved. They really liked spending the night at the Indian Wells Resort. It's a small resort that was started by Lucy & Desi Arnaz. It's lined with lots of great photographs of it's 1950 - 60's Hollywood connection. We relaxed at home on Wednesday afternoon, and we were treated to a yummy pizza dinner by the P's.

Thursday morning found Laura in the kitchen bright and early. We had such a wonderful time catching up with good conversation. We shared memorable meal together. This is how it was meant to be. We kept looking at each other and grinning. We'll never forget it.

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