Friday, January 23, 2009

We went to Dana Point on Sunday to visit with Matthew Houser. He was a bachelor for the weekend as his wife Suzanne was skiing in Mammoth. We arrived in the afternoon and Matthew had a yummy spread of appetizers waiting for us. We sat by the pool and enjoyed catching up. The weather was unbelievably warm, it was actually warmer there on the coast than it was at home in the desert. We grilled steaks for dinner and continued our conversation in the spa under the stars.

The next morning Matthew took us on a tour and we ended up in Crystal Cove. As Matt said, it's like going back into time. It is a cluster of beach cottages that have been there since the 30's and the State of California recently purchased and is restoring them. Several are completed and are available for vacation rental. As John would say, "it's a cool deal"! After a long walk on the beach, we ate breakfast at the restaurant there. We dined on the patio where they provide colorful felt lap blankets for their patrons to keep warm. Charming.....

John and I can't believe how lucky we are to have Matthew back in our lives. We have been friends since age 12, and then John and Matthew met in high school. It is really special that a couple can share a best friend.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


We checked out the 1000 Palms Oasis that is located about 6 miles from our home. It is a lush site with hundreds of ancient palms, running water and lots of critters. It was created by the 350 million acre underground aquafier where the San Andreas Fault exposes and catches the water. There is a chain of these oasis all along the Fault. On our hike we did see a mountain lion and we quickly headed in the opposite direction!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas in Camarillo

For the first time in so long, we shared Christmas together. Words can't describe how unbelievably wonderful it was to be able to celebrate as a couple, but to also spend precious time with Martha, Roger, Pam, Tad, Erik, Kevin and Arin at home in Camarillo. We still can't believe how perfect it all was.

We drove up after we both worked Christmas Eve morning. We arrived with the rain and into the Cox's warm, cozy home which was beautifully decorated for the Holiday. We then headed to the family church where Pam led her Youth group in the children's Christmas program. The church looked so pretty by candlelight and the kids performed wonderfully. Great job Pam! We then went home and enjoyed a yummy baked potato bar and chili for dinner.

Everyone gathered at home late Christmas morning and we were served a delicious pot roast and chicken & dumplings for dinner. It was a lively, joyous meal with lots of conversation and laughter. Afterwards it was into the living room to exchange gifts. We were overwhelmed by the great and thoughtful gifts we received! We then went back to the dining room and devoured the incredible deserts made by Martha.

We headed home that was a short visit, but it was seriously the most wonderful Christmas ever.